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Other Swierczynskis in the News: Robocalypse Edition

Like many writers I know, I have an automatic Google keyword search thingy to let me know when anyone's talking smack about me on the interwebs. A few days ago the name "Swerczynski" popped up as a character in a video game called Robocalypse: Beaver Defense. I thought, okay, this is a joke. But it isn't; shit's real. And one of the characters is named "David Swierczynski." Here's a summary from IGN.com:

The smoothest Environmental agent this side of the Love Canal, David Swazzu- ,Swizerr-- , er.. Swierczynski… is a man on a mission – to stop industrial polluters in their tracks! His finger-pointing is aimed directly at Thermidoom, and he could do his job if that pesky Beaver wasn′t always getting in the way...

That pesky Beaver, indeed.

(Fourth in an occasional series. Have you spotted another Swierczynski in the news? Let Secret Dead Blog know!)

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