I will be getting used to the brush and you should see some of my handy work on here soon. On to what I have been painting the last few days, as I said in my last post my first entry for Euromilitaire is well on its way and the latest shots are below.
Next on the table will be a 120mm SAS figure from www.120mini.com this is for me to practice on the larger scale before I paint a WW2 Para for Euro. Also I have a fantastic bust of a 24th Regt Zulu war figure which I picked up from El Greco
Both of these figures are show below, they are both being prepared for me by my good mate Shane as I am a little lacking in the skills of prep but am getting better.

BTW the Ebays sales did not do very well so for now I will knock them on the head and stick to picking up a few commissions
Peace James