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Ork Deff Dread

Finished painting a Deff Dread the other day:

A pretty basic job - this is one of the models I got in the Craigslist lot, and I'm not even that sure it's going to be used in my list, so it mostly served as a color test.  I do like the way that the GW Sunburst Yellow works overtop of the Foundation Mechrite Red.  I also played around a tiny bit with the Forge World weathering powders on the exhaust & gun barrel, not enough to develop a technique or anything, I just wanted to try them.  The other main thing I was experimenting with was that this model was primed with GW's Chaos Black spray - I'm planning on basing a lot of vehicles with this, and wanted to give it a test run.  Overall, I'm pretty pleased - I was worried about it being too fragile, as it's not a "proper" primer ("real" primer is actually a mix of paint + liquid adhesive, the GW spray is just paint).  It was a bit more susceptible to scratches, but I'm pretty gentle on my models when I'm painting & generous with the matte coat, so it should be okay...

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