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OMG....Santa Has Been Already!!!

Andy asked me earlier in the week what I would like for Christmas and I said that I would like a new hand mixer.
This morning I took a mysterious phone call to say that there was a parcel for him at the cook shop in town so I told him and he shot up and was off.
He returned with this.......

Oh my life....what is he like?
He said I could have it now and that I was to go through the brochure to see if I wanted any of the attachments to go with it and he would go and order them tomorrow.
I am so excited to use it and have promised him a cake this afternoon.

Here she is in all her glory.......

Isn't she a beauty?
I will need to get sewing and make a cover for her as she will have to live on the worktop......I don't have a cupboard big enough to put her in.

I'm off to make a cake 😁😁😁

Hope you are all having a wonderful day.

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