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Non Disturbare..........from everywhere

Yesterday when I picked a new theme for my purely indulgent Tumblr blog which I notice is mostly girly girl gowns I ran across this great travel idea and a most wonderful story to share in case you didn't see this. The grandfather of Michael Lebowitz, the founder and CEO of Big Spaceship, a very successful digital and marketing communications company in Brooklyn, collected hotel door hangers whenever he traveled abroad. When he passed away, Lebowitz brought his grandfather's travel keepsakes memorably together which you can see on his Tumblr here. It is fascinating to see how the hanger designs so perfectly capture the place and if you are thinking what I am thinking............hotels can expect a run on Do Not Disturb in any language as travel keepsakes. Wouldn't they be fabulous as a framed collection? Off to Rome to find the red tasseled one. 

link found on Tumblr here

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