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EASY Crock Pot Chicken Tortilla Soup and Speedwork

Ok, seriously, I don't know what is going on with the weather, but it has been COLD here the last few days. I mean, I couldn't even wear shorts and a tee shirt for my run! Sheesh! I had to wear GLOVES on Monday! (All of you who live where it is actually cold may now commence mocking me....)

So I scrapped the Taco Salad that was on the menu and made this soup instead:

It's really good! And, better than that, it's SUPER simple and easy to make!! Depending on which enchilada sauce you use, it can be spicy or mild. Here's what you need:

  • 1 lb cooked, shredded chicken (I just cooked one large chicken breast and shredded it)
  • 1- 15 oz can diced tomatoes
  • 10 oz enchilada sauce (1 1/4 cup if you have a larger can)
  • 1 onion, diced
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 1 qt chicken broth (or two cans and 1/2 cup water)
  • 1- 4 oz can diced green chilies (optional)
  • 1 tsp ground cumin
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp chili powder (optional)
  • 1/2 tsp pepper
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 10 oz frozen corn
  • 2 Tb chopped cilantro

Throw all the ingredients into the crock pot. Cook on low for 6-8 hours. (I know, really tough recipe!) You can garnish with avocado, tortilla chips, and cilantro if you have/like those things.

This is the enchilada sauce I use. I like the flavor a LOT. It is spicy (To me, but we are spicy wimps. Except Christopher. My dad has toughened him up with all of his home-grown hot peppers!) But it tasted so good!

Such a good soup to eat on a chilly day!! Good left over for lunch too!

I put extra cilantro in mine, I LOVE cilantro.

I have gotten a bit lazy about blogging my speed workouts lately.... but I have been doing them!! The last two workouts I've actually done with a friend- it's been SO nice to have someone else there to push me! Last week we did intervals on the track, and this week we did hill repeats. Hill repeats are HARD.

Here's what we did last week:

  • warm up
  • 3 minute interval at 90% effort
  • 2 minute interval at long run pace
  • repeat intervals 5 x
  • cool down
  • warm up 1.02 miles @9:04 (all times are in minutes per mile)
  • 3:00 min - .44 miles @6:49
  • 2:00 min- .21 miles @9:28
  • 3:00 min- .43 miles @7:02
  • 2:00 min- .20 miles @9:53
  • 3:00 min- .41 miles @7:18
  • 2:00 min- .20 miles @10:12
  • 3:00 min- .41 miles @7:13
  • 2:00 min- .19 miles @10:47
  • 3:00 min- .41 miles @7:23
  • 2:00 min- .18 miles @10:51
  • cool down- walked home
You really do go faster if you train with someone else. It's amazing how much your pride will push you, even when your legs get tired. Also, a little bit of heat makes a big difference. It was pretty warm when we did this workout, and I could definitely feel it. Bringing water is a must for me, especially when it's hot! I get a really dry mouth and need water.

I will download today's hill repeat workout and give a report on that one later in the week!!

Have a great day!!

Chicken Fajitas with Homemade Tortillas

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