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Being a vegetarian, environmentally friendly, health conscious person, I usually get a lot of crap for being a hippie. Because of that, I usually try to avoid anything hippie-ish (dreads, marijuana, drum circles, random stuff like that), and I usually tend to not believe in certain things that are kind of gimmicky in the natural world. One of those things would be aromatherapy. I know some scents can have certain relaxing properties, but I never thought they could actually really help change my state of mind. 

That's why I'm surprised that I love the Tata Harper aromatherapy so much. We sell it at the store in which I work, and it's there that I could experience its miraculousness for myself and then finally get a bottle. 

Tata Harper is quickly becoming my all time favorite beauty brand. It's 100% natural, and it's extremely effective. I've never really gone for natural skin care before, because it's never worked on me. The Tata Harper line, however, uses the highest quality, most potent ingredients, and science, something the skincare at Whole Foods just won't give you. I could go on and on about the skincare I've tried from this line, but this post is about the aromatherapy, so moving on...

There are three Tata Harper aromatherapy treatment roller balls (Stress, Irritability, and Bedtime). The aromatherapy treatment I have is Irritability. This has become an absolute necessity for me. Whether I'm  hungover (you know we've all been there), on my period and feel like I'm going to just break down in tears, with my little cousin over the holidays,  or in any annoying situation, I just crack out this baby. It seriously changes my whole mind set, and I feel like everything is going to be okay. 

To use aromatherapy, you just roll it onto the wrists and the palms of your hands, rub them together a bit, put your thumbs at the base of your neck, cup your hands over your nose, close your eyes, and breathe deeply five times. It's miraculous. 

These treatments are pretty expensive, but I absolutely cannot live without mine now that I have it. It's become so necessary for my peace of mind, and body, and when you think about it, it's cheaper than real therapy. 

So as gimmicky as this may sound, it really is absolutely amazing. If you find yourself in a lot of stressful situations, this could just be for you.

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