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The Dark Emissary

I'm a few days late with posting news on the new release on the blog - but things are pretty busy right now. There's only three weeks to go to GenCon and the amount of preparation still to do is frightening - we're very excited about showing off the new miniatures and previewing the game though.

Anyway - back to The Dark Emissary! Ali and I both really love this piece. It's from a Sam Wood concept and is yet another stunning sculpt from Yannick Hennebo - his eighth for the Limited Edition resin range (with more to come!). We wanted to have something really dark and brooding in the line - and this one has that in spades. It comes complete with two head and weapon variant parts - and I can't decide if I like the bare head or helmet best. I liked the non-helmet better when the sculpt came in. but now it's painted I think I like the helmet version better.

Available now in the Studio Store.

It's the biggest piece we've done so far too - towering over everything else - even Ruby. He's just over 60mm tall (without the base).


Lots of updates to come in the coming weeks - more concepts for the Strain first, then pictures of the sculpts - and finally the painted versions. We're really happy with how they are coming out and can't wait to share them with you.



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