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Star Wars Bounty Hunter IG-88

More terrifying than any battle droids during the Clone Wars were the assassin droids, independently programmed mechanical killers that had no masters. IG-88 was a assassin droid who has become a bounty hunter, and answered Darth Vader's call to capture the Millennium Falcon in Star Wars Episode V: Empire Strike Back (1980). More on IG-88 can be found at Wookieepedia.

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Sideshow's IG-88 head is on a ball joint, it can rotate freely but tilt is limited. Sections of his head are movable independently & there is a light up feature. Nice!
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IG-88 body is impressively detailed but very limited in movement. Very fragile it feels. It's more like a model kit then a toy. My IG-88 arms are not able to raise upwards, seems like paint or glue may have fuse the joints during production. I stop trying to raise his arms fearing I may break something.
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IG-88 elbows have click joints, covered under a rubber sheath. & has pincer claws for hands. The clashes open and close action, but are useless in holding any kind of weapon. Sideshow made holes in the arms to allow pegs at the end of weapons to fit. I did not find the result very good.
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The nicest accessory on IG88 is his bandolier. & there are magnets embedded inside. This allows you to stick a holster & three mines to the magnets. It is strong and very secure.
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Some one forgot to apply glue. A piston part tat came off from my IG-88.
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