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31 Days of Halloween Day 9 - Nevermore

Welcome back to Lost Coast Portal to Creativity where Lost Coast Designs and Carmen's Veranda collide to bring you twice the inspiration and double the fun!

Good morning everyone and welcome back to the 31 Days of Halloween.  We are in Day 9 and it's my turn to share some Halloween fun.

When I think of Halloween, I not only think of ghosts and ghoulies, vampires and witches, but I also think of Edgar Allen Poe.  He wrote such wonderful scary, creepy stories.  One of my favorite bits is from The Raven so I decided to use that bit on a coaster.
To make it dark and slightly ominous, which fits the poem, I sprayed the background with black, white, and gray inks after I had gesso'd the coaster.  I allowed the ink to move around as it dried since I wanted the background to be cloudy.  I then used the Crows border stamp (yeah, I know crows aren't ravens but it was close enough LOL) to randomly stamp across the coaster.  Just mask off all but one bird on the border stamp with a bit of tape, ink up, remove the tape, stamp, and repeat.  It gives your border stamps more uses than just as a border.

Next, I stamped the Raven from Mother Goose Birds on the left hand side in black ink.  My Misty helped me get it very, very black.  I then printed out the bit of the poem in Gothic print, misted it lightly with gray ink, and added it to my coaster.

If your hopping in order, your next visit will be to Tee.  Have fun and thank you for joining us for the 31 Days of Halloween.

Don't forget you have a chance to win $10 in LCD/CV rubber.  Just link up your Halloween entry HERE.  Halloween not for you?  We are also running an Animal Challenge this month.  Link up your Animal entry HERE.  Feeling especially creative?  Do both!

Happy Stamping!
LCD/CV DT Leader

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